Report on the Bindii Meeting November 17 2024

 Report on the Bindii Meeting November 17 2024

Julia Wakefield, Maeve Archibald, Subha Goonaratne, Ewan Rourke and Lynette Arden met on Saturday November 17 at 3pm, using Zoom. We also welcomed two new members based in Sri Lanka: Udara and Radhika. Apologies were received from Maureen Sexton, Steve Wigg and Kirsten Johnson.

We workshopped our haiku, some of which were inspired by the topic of Sound. There was general agreement that by focusing on that particular topic we found that we became more aware of the way a haiku can evoke the sensation of synaesthesia.

Our next scheduled meeting will be a Ginko at the new Victoria Park Wetlands, on Sunday January 19. Those who live interstate, out of town or overseas are welcome to join us via Zoom or Googlemeet. If it is too hot we will have to postpone the meeting or resort to a Zoom meeting instead. We will meet at a designated point, then go exploring for an hour before we reconvene and compare the haiku that emerge from the experience.


Julia Wakefield 


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