Athena Zaknic

walking home
from the bus stop at dusk,
her  steps slow –
now on his  fourth stubby
.... he is waiting

published in Eucalypt 10 2011

free at last
a changed man
re-enters an unchanged world

I raise
the warm tea to my lips
your last kiss

bomb threat in the cathedral
on Christmas eve
come all ye faithful

These were published in World Haiku Review December 2011
in the merit section 'zatsuei'

small child
to bed for the longest night
Christmas eve

summer's day
in the warm silence
the flutter of a butterfly

paper wasp vol. 17 no 4
spring 2011

caressed by the cool breeze
we savour your cherry pie
on the garden seat
where in our spring
the cherries hung on your ears

published in ' Food for thought' a tanka anthology  edited by Amelia Fielden
Nov. 2011

invited to breakfast
with lorikeets
on arrival
we are crowned with jewels

Published in  Ribbons
volume 8 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2012


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