July Challenge

As I post there have been no entries for the June Challenge. This is a sad state of affairs. Maybe it has been too cold and wet for haiku and tanka poets to get about, use their hearts and intellect. As I look out the window the weather seems in a state of uncertainty, waiting for something to occur: rain, wind, sun?
Tanka challenge: change, uncertainty, the unexplicable. Interpret as widely as you wish.
Haiku Challenge: warmth. Again interpret as widely as you wish. Seasonal or non seasonal are acceptable.


  1. I heard about space

    Voyager flew really far

    It saw the planets

  2. On the floor I sleep

    I have a nice soft blankie

    It is green with stripes

  3. a light shower
    through the elm
    skeletons ...
    the first conversation
    after we hear of divorce

  4. a dull yellow
    bottle brush
    on the verge of
    a personal breakthrough

  5. dove on the bare vine
    fluffs breast feathers
    winter wind

    the triangle of sunshine
    fits the cat

  6. palm tree winter leaves
    rainbow lorikeets
    explore the caves beneath

  7. on the bare elm
    lorikeets forage
    buds -
    through our darkest moments
    your colours always show

  8. our playground
    was built from worn wood
    modern children play
    on bright primary colours
    of a plastic promise


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