
Showing posts from January, 2017

Bindii Meeting for February 2017

Saturday 4 February:  as a follow up to her January haiku workshop, Julia Wakefield will lead a meeting concentrating on the workshop of haiku. The meeting will start at 12.30 at our usual venue of the Box Factory, Adelaide.

28 January 2017 Haiku Workshop by Julia Wakefield

The workshop, held at the Box Factory Community Centre in Adelaide, from 1 – 3 pm, was attended by ten people, of whom eight had not attended a Bindii workshop previously. Julia started off by discussing what made a good haiku and distributed examples and some guidelines for attendees to read. There was some discussion about the examples and what each haiku meant to the various participants. Julia then moved to a brief overview of the guidelines for writing haiku. There was some discussion as to what certain guidelines meant, for example the 5/7/5 rule, which has been discarded outside Japan, and the options for writing in three lines or other variants. The various formats were examined to see if a haiku written in one style, such as one line, would be just as effective if transferred to three lines. The use of the phrase/fragment composition technique was discussed in some detail, with examples.