Report on the Bindii Meeting September 29 2024

 Julia Wakefield, Maeve Archibald, Steve Wigg, Subha Goonaratne, Ewan Rourke and Lynette Arden met on Saturday September 27 at 3pm, using Zoom. Apologies were received from Maureen Sexton and Kirsten Johnson.

We workshopped our haiku and a few tanka. We also discussed the Kyoka poetry form.

This is Jane Reichold’s definition:

kyoka (QUE'YOE-KAH) - a mad poem - The tone and feel of a limerick written in tanka form and just as bawdy. Often the subject is about poets or the writing of poems which makes fun of both.

Some good examples of this form can be found here:


Our next scheduled meeting is on Sunday November 17, at 3pm. We will be using Zoom. We will workshop haiku, tanka and haibun written around the topic of Sound, as well as any other topic we have written about. Maybe a kyoka or two?


Julia Wakefield 


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