Report on the Bindii Meeting May 5 2024

 Report on the Bindii Meeting May 5 2024

Julia Wakefield, Jake Dennis, Steve Wigg, Stella Damarjati, and Lynette Arden met on Sunday, May 5, at 7 p.m. using Google Meet. Maureen Sexton, Subha Goonaratne, Ewan Rourke, and Maeve Archibald apologised.


We workshopped some of our haiku and discussed possible topics for future meetings. We have decided to take a closer look at some of the techniques listed in Jane Reichhold’s book, Writing and Enjoying Haiku. The list can also be found on her website here:

In the above article, she makes some amusing comments on the reverence expressed towards ‘Zen’ haiku and gives a clear definition of the ‘desk haiku’ that so many of us often find ourselves struggling with.

Although Subha could not attend the meeting, she reported that the launch of her new haiku collection went exceedingly well. We all look forward to reading it!

Our next scheduled Google Meet is on Saturday, June 29, at 3pm. We will workshop our haiku and the topic for this meeting’s poems is ‘creepy crawlies’. In addition, we will look at some of the winning and shortlisted entries for the Touchstone Awards,

in the context of the techniques listed in the above article. We might focus, for starters, on the concept of ‘macro and micro’. Everyone is asked to bring a favourite or two from the Touchstone Awards and to give a short analysis of why the poem works for them.


Julia Wakefield 


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