Report on the Bindii Meeting 15 April 2024

Julia Wakefield, Stella Damarjati, Lynette Arden, Maureen Sexton, Subha Goonaratne and Maeve Archibald met on Monday 15 April at 7pm using Google Meet. Apologies were received from Ewan Rourke, Jake Dennis, Steve Wigg and Kirsten Johnston. We asked people to send in the haiku that they would like to have read at the AHS meeting scheduled for World Haiku Day, April 17.

            We workshopped our haiku and between us we selected one from each submission that would be read at the AHS meeting. Three of us were subsequently able to attend the meeting: Lynette Arden, Maeve Archibald and Julia Wakefield. Maeve read the selected haiku, as Maureen was unable to attend.

            We also shared our news: Maeve will be reading her poetry at the Club Acoustica at the Olive Branch CafĂ© in Balhannah in October. She will send us details.  An extract from Lynette’s poem about St George and the dragon has been published in a booklet produced by St Bart’s Church, Norwood which serves as a guide to the stained-glass windows in the church.

Our next scheduled Googlemeet is on Sunday May 5 at 3pm.


Julia Wakefield 


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