Report on the Bindii Meeting 24 February 2024

We had a Google Meet meeting for the first time. Steve Wigg, Julia Wakefield, Stella Damarjati, Maeve Archibald, Subha Goonaratne, Maureen Sexton and Lynette Arden were joined by three new members: Kirsten Johnson, Jake Dennis and Ewan Rourke. Jake lives in WA as does Maureen, and Subha is based in Sydney, so Google Meet is a very handy way of bringing our group together. We all agreed it works just as well as Zoom.

            Everyone brought some haiku for critique, and established members were very impressed with the standard of haiku submitted by our new members. A lively discussion began, focusing on the importance of reducing a haiku to one idea that can be interpreted in different ways according to each individual’s POV, rather than invoking a collection of ideas that pull the reader in too many directions at once. It’s always fascinating to see how many different responses a group of readers can have to one simple haiku.

            We are excited that the group has now expanded to ten members, and we look forward to seeing new ideas developing in the future. We have arranged to hold another Google Meet on Saturday March 23. We will bring our haiku for critique again, but it was suggested that we try to send them to the group by email a day or two before the meeting, so we all get a chance to reflect on them in advance. (This is not compulsory).

Julia Wakefield 


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