Report on the Bindii Meeting of 19 November 2023

Five members of the Bindii Group gathered for a Zoom meeting at 3pm Australian Central Standard Time: Steve Wigg, Julia Wakefield, Stella Damarjati, Maureen Sexton and Lynette Arden. An apology was received from Maeve Archibald.

We had set the theme of ‘celebrations’ for our haiku critiques, but that was not the only theme of our submissions.

We are considering setting some topics for one or more members to prepare at future meetings. One topic we could begin with is the concept of ‘concrete’ poems. Another one is the idea of rhythm in haiku and tanka, as discussed in this article:

However, our first meeting in 2024 will be a ginko, in the Botanic Gardens in Adelaide. Two dates are suggested: the 14th or 28th of January, depending on the weather. We plan to meet at 2pm, take a walk around the gardens and meet up at the café by the pond, to share our haiku. Please let us know which date(s) you can attend.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year

Julia Wakefield 


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