Report on the Bindii Meeting of 15 October 2023

Report on the Bindii Meeting of 15 October 2023

Four members of the Bindii Group gathered for a Zoom meeting at approximately 2pm Australian Central Standard Time: Steve Wigg, Julia Wakefield, Stella Damarjati and Lynette Arden. Apologies were received from Maureen Sexton and Maeve Archibald.

We had arranged to bring some haiku on the theme of ageing or time passing, but all of us had been over busy – how often people seem to say that these days! – so we had very little to show each other.  Stella, Lynette and Julia submitted their haiku that had already been accepted for Echidna Tracks, so there were no improvements offered, but the topics sparked a lively discussion about the images that were evoked.

We hope that more of our members will be able to attend the next meeting, which is scheduled for Sunday November 19 at 3pm. The theme for our haiku will be Celebrations. We also discussed the idea of having a member prepare and present a topic at each meeting, starting next year.

Julia Wakefield 


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