Report on the Bindii Meeting of 6 August 2023

Report on the Bindii Meeting of 6 August 2023

Four members of the Bindii Group gathered for a Zoom meeting at 3 pm Australian Central Standard Time: Steve Wigg, Julia Wakefield, Stella Damarjati and Lynette Arden. Apologies were received from Maureen Sexton and Maeve Archibald.

Julia reported that she had had discussions with three other AHS groups about possible future collaborations.

The three groups are:

Bombora – represented by Gayle Sweeper 

Illawong Haiku Group - Carol Reynolds, convenor

Portarlington Haiku Society - Jenny Macauly, convenor


Stella was happy to report that one of her haiku was published in the latest Echidna Tracks. Maeve Archibald also had a haiku in the same issue.

We spent the rest of the meeting critiquing each other’s haiku via the chat window on the theme of ‘Winter Walk’ as well as some haiku on other topics.  We took into account the definition of haiku that was proposed in the article by Robert D Wilson . There was general agreement that Wilson’s insistence on a short/long/short pattern was not always necessary, but like many other so-called ‘rules’ of haiku, it is a device that can often be rhythmically appropriate but is not obligatory.

One aspect that became apparent in our discussion was the paradox that the more we refer to a particular thing, the easier it is for a general picture to arise in the reader’s mind; whereas if the subject is too general to start with, we have nothing to stimulate our imagination. Another equally important rule is that all poetry is carried by emotion.

The meeting finished at about 4.30pm, and the next Zoom meeting will be held at 3pm on Sunday October 15 at 3pm.  The topic will be haiku that we produce on the theme of ‘Ageing’.

Julia Wakefield 


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