Report on Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group Meeting: 6 October 2018

 Present: Lynette Arden, Margaret Fensom, Athena Zaknic, Roger Higgins, Meirwen Whewell.

Apologies: Lee Bentley, Julia Wakefield, Sara Abend-Sims, Dawn Colsey, Jill Gower.

The meeting started at 12.30 pm. We welcomed new member Meirwen Whewell, who brought an elegant, illustrated book of traditional Japanese haiku to the meeting. This was Meirwen’s first attempt at writing haiku.

Workshop: A few basic techniques for writing haiku (led by Lynette Arden)

1.    The workshop started with a reading of some of Janice Bostok’s haiku from her online resource:
We read the haiku one by one around the circle and then commented individually on the haiku, discussing their meaning and impact.
2.    Four techniques from Jane Reichhold were discussed.
a.    The technique of sense shifting
b.    The technique of narrowing focus
c.     The technique of humour
d.    The technique of simile
3.    After each of the techniques, members composed some examples on the spot, writing their work on the whiteboard so we could discuss each haiku. It was impressive to see such a great variety of themes appear as members attempted each topic, and most enjoyable to read the results.
4.    Members then shared and workshopped any additional haiku and tanka they had brought.
The meeting closed at 2.30pm.

NEXT MEETING: Saturday 1 December

Minutes taken by Lynette Arden 6 October 2018


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