Report on Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group meeting: 2 December 2017

For the final meeting of Bindii for 2017, members gathered in the large kitchen area of the Box Factory to workshop their poetry and share some lunch. After a burst of extremely hot weather, followed by rain, the day was a welcome mild, cloudy interlude.
Present: Maeve Archibald, Lynette Arden, Dawn Colsey, Lee Bentley, Sara Abend-Sims, Marilyn Linn, Athena Zaknic, Julia Wakefield.

Apologies: Margaret Fensom, Belinda Broughton, Jill Gower and Annie Fox. Lindy Warrell has withdrawn from the group, as she is unable to attend at present.

General Business: Our accommodation at the Box Factory has already been booked through 2018 for the first Saturday of every second month, from 12.30 to 2.30 pm.

The meeting opened with a discussion of what program members would like to schedule for 2018. A number of workshops were offered by members. More details of individual sessions will be provided closer to the dates.

1. 3 February: Tanka: Julia Wakefield and Sara Sims

2. 7 April: Ginko at Adelaide Zoo

3. 2 June: Renga/renku: Lee Bentley

4. 4 August: Prompts for writing: Maeve Archibald

The program for the last two meetings: 6 October and 1 December will be decided at a later date. 

Members then read their haiku and tanka and invited comments from others. Multiple copies were provided by some authors and others used the whiteboard to invite comments. It had been a profitable two months, stimulated by the prompts provided by Maeve following the October meeting, which Lee emailed at intervals to members.

After the workshop, members shared lunch and chatted before the meeting finished around 2.40 pm.

Minutes taken by Lynette Arden 2 December 2017


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