Report on Bindii meeting for February 2016

Report on Bindii Japanese Poetry Genres Group Meeting: 6 February 2016

Ten Bindii members met at The Box Factory for a workshop by Julia Wakefield on ‘What Makes a Good Haiku’. 
Julia presented a thoroughly researched workshop, looking at examples of haiku that have been critically acclaimed, and members discussed what made them ‘good haiku’. Julia focused not only on three-line haiku, but had plentiful examples of one-line haiku and also some four-line haiku. 
It was interesting for members to discuss the impact of the format of these haiku and why the author had chosen that particular format, instead of sticking to the more usual three line.

Events planned for 2016
2 April: Autumn ginko. Members will be contacted with details.
4 June: Maeve Archibald: haibun.
6 August: Maeve Archibald: follow up session on haibun.
1 October Belinda Broughton: haiga

3 December meeting: end of year celebration.


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