Bindii Meeting 6 January 2016

We meet in The Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide. See program below for details and dates. 
Meetings run from 12 noon to 2 pm.

Email for more details

 2016: at each meeting there will also be time for members to workshop their own work.

6 February: We will meet in the Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide from 12 noon. Julia Wakefield will discuss the writing of haiku.  It is expected that members attending will also contribute. More details will be advised by email to members of the group. 
As meetings are held over a lunch time, please bring your lunch if you wish to do so. Coffee making facilities are available, but members need to bring their own supplies of tea/coffee/milk etc. 

2 April: Autumn ginko

4 June: Maeve Archibald on haibun.

6 August: Lyn Arden discussing The Tanka Teacher’s Guide. We will discuss points raised in the guide and look at successful published tanka. Members’ discussion of tanka will be an important part of this workshop. 


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