Report on 5 December Meeting

For our final meeting of 2015, nine members of the Bindii group met at the Box Factory in Regent St South, Adelaide to workshop some of the recent work of members and later enjoy a lunch at the Cibo Café in Hutt St, Adelaide.
Reading event
Bindii group is preparing readings for an event sponsored for us by the Adelaide City Council and the Box Factory Community Centre, at the Halifax Café on 11 February 2016.
Ten poets from the Bindii group will be joined by musicians Munetaka Umehara and Alexander Ask, who will perform their composition, Midsummer Walk, for Japanese Flute and Didgeridoo. The Halifax Café will cater for meals for those who come from 5.30, before the event starts at 6:45, and beverages and food at the interval and throughout the evening.
Bookings will be taken for the free event. Email to make a booking.
Workshop of Members’ Work
Recent haiku, tanka and haibun composed by members were either written on the whiteboard for discussion or multiple copies were distributed to members. A lively discussion on the works ensued, with all members taking part.
Our program of meetings for 2016 includes:
6 February: Julia Wakefield on haiku. More details will be advised. It is expected that members attending will also contribute.
2 April: Autumn ginko
4 June: Maeve Archibald on haibun.
6 August: Lyn Arden discussing The Tanka Teacher’s Guide. We will discuss points raised in the guide and look at successful published tanka. Members’ discussion of tanka will be an important part of this workshop.
The formal part of our meeting finished at 1:10 pm and members adjourned to Cibo for lunch and conversation.

Report by Lynette Arden, 5 December 2015


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