August Meeting of Bindii

The 1 August meeting of the Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group was held at the Box Factory, Adelaide, from 12 noon to 2 pm. Eight members attended and there were three apologies.
General Business:
1.     Patricia Prime has posted a review of Willow Light on the HaikuOz website.

2.    Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group has sponsored prizes for haiku written by schoolchildren for the Langhorne Creek young people’s writing competition.

3.    Program for the remainder of 2015:
Saturday 3 October: a ginko (haiku walk) in Himeji Gardens led by Lee Bentley. We will meet at the Box Factory at 12 noon and then walk to the gardens (5 mins walk). The hoped for outcome might include a group of associated haiku that we could publish.
If the weather is inclement, we will hold the whole meeting at the Box Factory.
For those unfamiliar with the term, on a ginko the participants stroll around, making notes, writing haiku or tanka, or taking photos of what they observe.
These notes later serve as raw material for finished haiku, tanka, haibun and haiga. In the last part of the meeting, participants may eat lunch and read out some of the haiku they have produced, and discuss observations.

Saturday 5 December: Christmas meeting – format to be decided.

Workshop: Lynette Arden presented a workshop on haiku. Examples of some haiku publications were circulated and handouts distributed. The general guidelines for writing haiku were covered briefly, then the group tried out some of the techniques for constructing haiku described by Jane Reichhold.

Workshop of members’ work occupied the rest of the meeting. 


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