Bindii Meeting on 4 October 2014

Seven Bindii members met at the Box Factory for a tanka workshop. Lynette Arden led a discussion on how to write a good tanka. Members read out tanka they liked and some background material was handed out to members and discussed. This was followed by general workshopping of members’ tanka.

Meetings in 2015 will be booked every second month, as the present arrangement seems to be attracting sufficient members to make it worthwhile. Meetings will be held on the first Saturday in the months of February, (April we will need to try to book the second Saturday, as the first Saturday is Easter), June, August, October and December.

The meeting time will change to 12:00 – 14:00. This will suit some members better and we can bring lunch at this time. Some members may wish to continue at a cafĂ© after the official meeting has ended.

Meeting types and topics have not been finalized for 2015. Any suggestions will be welcome and considered.

The next meeting will be our final one for 2014.

Saturday 6 December
1-3 pm

Box Factory: Christmas party. Bring your work to share and workshop. Members will be emailed further details.


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