Bindii group meeting 2 August 2014

Workshop on Janice Bostok and her contemporaries: Lynette Arden handed out information on the life of Janice Bostok, including comments about Janice’s impact on haiku poetry in Australia and USA.
Examples of work from Janice Bostok, Cor van den Heuvel, William J Higginson, Michael McClintock and Marlene Mountain were also distributed and read out by group members. Some of Janice’s work was also discussed and that of some of her contemporaries in USA. Marlene Mountain had commented on her Facebook page about the impact Janice Bostok had on American haiku poets of the time, when Janice first travelled to USA in 1978.
Janice Bostok’s book Amongst the Graffiti  and Marlene Mountain’s book The Old Tin Roof are now available for download as PDF files at the following website: 

Other material about her life and work can be found at the following link:

GENERAL WORKSHOP: workshop of members’ haiku, haibun and tanka took up the remainder of the meeting.

Saturday 4 October
1-3 pm
Box Factory:
This will be a meeting focused on tanka. 
Members are invited to bring in their tanka, tanka they admire, their thoughts, and thoughts and ideas from other sources, so we can find out what makes a tanka work and how to compose a successful tanka. 
There will also be an opportunity for haiku and other Japanese genre poetry forms to be work-shopped later in the meeting. 


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