Bindii Meeting 7 June 2014

The Bindii Group met at the Box Factory: 59 Regent St South, Adelaide for our June meeting.
Karin Anderson presented a very well researched workshop on senryu, haiku and also touched on kyoka. Kyoka stands in the same relation to tanka as senryu to haiku. 
We looked at examples of the forms and definitions and tried to work out which example fitted into which category, not always an easy task.
This was followed by general workshop of members’ work.
Our next meeting
If any poet writing in, or wishing to learn Japanese genre poetry, would like to join or visit our group, please contact by email.
contact Bindii Japanese Genres Poetry Group

Saturday 2 August
1-3 pm
Lyn Arden will discuss Australian poet Janice Bostok (1942-2011), who was the pioneer of haiku in Australia. We will also look at some of her international contemporaries. (half hour)


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