Bindii are a group of South Australian poets who write Japanese genre poetry in English.
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For those wishing to participate in our latest challenge, the link is now in the sidebar. Go to November - December challenge to enter your haiku or tanka poems.
As I post there have been no entries for the June Challenge. This is a sad state of affairs. Maybe it has been too cold and wet for haiku and tanka poets to get about, use their hearts and intellect. As I look out the window the weather seems in a state of uncertainty, waiting for something to occur: rain, wind, sun? Tanka challenge: change, uncertainty, the unexplicable. Interpret as widely as you wish. Haiku Challenge: warmth. Again interpret as widely as you wish. Seasonal or non seasonal are acceptable.
Any Japanese poetry genre: haiku, senryu, tanka etc. 1. I nspiration through nature, looking forward to spring, and witnessing the early signs of spring 2. Sport (plenty of inspiration with the Olympic games on at the moment)
In Australia in April we are deepening into autumn. In Adelaide it is still warm weather. The quinces are ripening on the trees, the shops full of the harvest of summer fruits. Autumn foliage is beginning to appear on the exotic European trees we have planted along our streets. Shops are filling with warm clothes for winter. The car race and the Fringe and Adelaide Festivals have finished bringing to an end the rush of Mad March. The blocked traffic is now flowing freely once more, interstate and international visitors have flown away. In Japan the cherry blossom season should have reached Kyoto. Challenge: customs of autumn or flowers of spring. Senryu, haiku, tanka. Please use your imagination.
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