December 2011 Christmas and New Year Challenge

Any Japanese genre poetry on seasonal themes: Christmas, New Year, holidays.


  1. The Stocking

    on the tree
    old family ornaments
    each memory

    Our granddaughter hangs up her stocking. It contains a bag of grain that she thinks reindeers probably eat. I watch as her parents fuss around this elaborate and beautiful lie.

    Then to bed for all of us.

    quiet midnight
    the scent of pine sap
    through the house

    They manage to sleep till six-thirty, a miracle any day for this two-year-old. We wake to, ‘This isn’t grain!’ in the child’s singsong voice and to the sound of paper ripping. The child unpacks the stocking one foam sticker at a time, unpeeling each and sticking them to someone or something. Then she finds a long grey hair and I can guess to whom that belongs. ‘Oh look,’ says her mother, ‘Santa hair!’

    the tinselled tree
    and the child’s eyes

    Later my daughter whispers that she feels ambivalent about telling the untruths. I say, ‘What you are actually spinning is myth.’ and I ask how she feels about her childhood. She says she wouldn’t have swapped it. So we take more photographs of the most photographed child in the world, photographs that will show a slightly crazy, manic delight on her face.

  2. little girl
    with fairy-light eyes
    christmas Tree


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