September Challenge 1: Birds

Birds: any kind. Any Japanese genre (haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun etc). We look forward to reading your postings.


  1. bell birds
    I hear the music
    of early matins

    autumn rain
    kookaburra laughs
    a clear day

    green feather
    rolling over and over
    the growl of traffic

    white cockatoo
    strung along the line
    wash day

  2. fairy wren
    at the birdbath
    her leg black and blue

  3. Chicken Hawk
    (Australian Little Falcon)

    At the bottom of its slice of flight, was the chook yard fence.

    in corners
    the hens flap
    their birdbrains

    The chicken hawk lies like a crumpled rag but, apart from the minor inconvenience of being dead, looks absolutely perfect, every feather in place, the spread of the wing, the tail, the overlapping geometry of charcoal and ochre. Its feet, its talons, such wiry power in them, such strength, the weapons of a hunting machine. Its head lolls in my hand, broken necked, the blades of its beak slightly ajar.

    through the wire
    the hens’ curiosity
    sharp eyes

    But looking into the falcon’s eyes, for the world, they look alive, so bright and alert. Gazing into them: a whirlpool of intelligence, of awareness. Deep, deep space down there and on the surface, my reflected fear.

    among bones and stones
    one hen
    pecks another

  4. on tiptoes
    the long bare legs
    in a miniskirt
    'nice sunglasses'
    says my father

  5. stealing
    from the thief
    at the bird's bower
    shells, pegs, bottle caps
    and her diamond ring

    the shell from the chick
    a child's hands


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