
Showing posts from September, 2024

Report on the Bindii Meeting August 31 2024

Julia Wakefield, Maeve Archibald, Steve Wigg, Stella Damarjati, Kirsten Johnston, and Lynette Arden met on Saturday, July 27, at 3pm, using Zoom. Apologies were received from Maureen Sexton, Ewan Rourke and Subha Goonaratne. Maureen and Ewan sent their haiku for critique, but we sent them individual feedback afterwards. We workshopped our haiku and a few tanka that we had produced in response to the Haiku Down Under conference, which we all agreed was a splendid source of inspiration. Our next scheduled meeting is on Saturday, September 28, at 3 p.m. We will use  Zoom. No topic has been set yet.     Julia Wakefield  

Report on the Bindii Meeting July 27 2024

  Report on the Bindii Meeting July 27 2024 Julia Wakefield, Maureen Sexton, Maeve Archibald, Ewan Rourke, Subha Goonaratne, Kirsten Johnston and Lynette Arden met on Saturday July 27 at 3pm, using Google Meet. Apologies were received from Steve Wigg and Stella Damarjati. We workshopped our haiku, some of which we were preparing for the ‘sensory journey’ competition that was part of the Haiku Down Under conference which took place over August 16-18. We discussed the perennial topic of what makes a good haiku, paying attention to the specific qualities of a one liner, and the necessity for clarity without being too specific. Our next scheduled meeting is on Saturday August 31, at 3pm . We will be using Zoom. It’s likely we’ll be reviewing the many topics that were raised in the Haiku Down Under conference. Julia Wakefield