
Showing posts from November, 2020

Bindii Report: Zoom meeting in October

Bindii Report                                   Zoom meeting in October On Sunday October 25 six of us attended another Zoom meeting: Julia Wakefield, Steve Wigg, Maeve Archibald, Stella Damarjati Lynette Arden and Beverley George. This time we attempted a sequence based on the two prompts supplied by Beverley George: SECLUSION and GARDENS. Beverley did not take part in the sequence, but she was happy to contribute her comments.   Some of us found the former topic quite challenging at first, but as we worked on the sequence we found we were able to incorporate quite a few of the garden haiku into what began as a seclusion sequence. We all agreed to share the final sequence online, so here it is:   Threads of Gold   cold and quiet this early morning threads of gold    ...