Report on Bindii Meeting of 25 January 2020
Report of January 25 Bindii meeting. Six of us met at the SA State Library for a two-hour discussion and critique session. Members present were Maeve Archibald, Lynette Arden, Stella Damarjati , Margaret Fensom, Julia Wakefield and Steve Wigg . We had apologies from Marilyn Linn, Jane Harris and Dawn Colsey. Stella led the session with some definitions and examples of w abi and s abi techniques, quoting Jane Reichhold , and then between us we tried to define the difference if any between the two concepts. Reichhold translates s abi as aged/loneliness, while she equates w abi with poverty. Lynette brought a book titled ‘ Wabi /Sabi’ by Andrew Juniper, which describes the way Buddhist monks cultivated the practice of revering simple natural objects to help them to come to terms with the lack of exquisite Chinese porcelain in Japanese monasteries, due to their lack of funding. The concept of impermanence became all-important. Lyn drew our attention to the way wab...