
Showing posts from August, 2017

Report on Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group meeting: 5 August 2017

On a very cold, windy day, with a threatening storm we were pleased to welcome seven members for the haibun workshop presented by Maeve Archibald at the Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide. The workshop commenced at 12.30. Maeve Archibald presented a detailed workshop, starting with an exploration of the varieties of haibun being written and then suggesting various ways of approaching the construction of a haibun. Maeve accompanied this with a succession of stimulus exercises.    Maeve has supplied a detailed description of her haibun workshop. See below the report on the meeting.   Maeve will present the second instalment of her two haibun workshops at our next meeting on 7 October. Maeve distributed a writing exercise to members and the resultant haibun will be workshopped at the October meeting.   Lynette Arden gave a vote of thanks to Maeve for her comprehensive, thought provoking workshop.   The workshop finished at 2.3...