
Showing posts from October, 2015

December Meeting of Bindii

Our last meeting for 2015 will be held at the Box Factory on Saturday 5 December from 12 noon to 2 pm. Please bring your work to share. The meeting will adjourn a little earlier than usual for an end of year celebration at a nearby café Members will be informed of further details by email. For any enquiries please email our contact: contact bindii

Bindii Spring Ginko in Himeji Gardens

On Saturday 3 October, a beautiful sunshiny day, although a little warmer than expected, seven members of Bindii group left the Box Factory at noon to take the brief walk through back streets to Himeji Gardens.  Lee Bentley, the group leader for the ginko, advised members to scatter through the garden and meet at the entrance half an hour later. The temperature was noticeably cooler in the gardens, with the water and greenery no doubt helping to keep the temperature down. Members strolled, taking notes and photos, or perched on rocks or seats to take in the peace and quiet.  Even though other visitors were there, people seemed to appreciate that this was a place for quiet contemplation. We then returned to the Box Factory for lunch and a workshop of the many haiku that had been written on the ginko. The last meeting for 2015 will be held at the Box Factory on Saturday 5 December from 12 noon to 2 pm.