Launch of Haiku Bindii Vol.2: Willow Light

Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group are delighted to invite you to the launch of Haiku Bindii Vol. 2: Willow Light to be launched by Rob Walker Please join us at The Box Factory: 59 Regent St South, Adelaide from 2 pm on 25 April 2015 this is a free event Refreshments will be served Readings by the Bindii poets BINDII POETS: Judith Ahmed, Karin Anderson, Bett Angel-Stawarz, Maeve Archibald, Lynette Arden, Alexander Ask, Lee Bentley, Belinda Broughton, Dawn Colsey, Margaret Fensom, Jill Gower, Simon Hanson, Marilyn Linn, Julia Wakefield, Athena Zaknic. Enquiries: Lynette Arden: