Report on Bindii Meeting 6 December 2014
Eight Bindii members met at the Box Factory for our last meeting for 2014. Members shared haiku, haibun and tanka on a seasonal theme, which they had brought. Some were by favourite writers and some had been composed by members. Members also presented work for general feedback. There was general discussion of our plans for the group in 2015. Meetings will continue to be held at the Box Factory on the first Saturday of every second month, except in April, where the second Saturday has been booked because of Easter. 2015 Meeting dates: February 7, April 11, June 6, August 1, October 3, December 5. 2015 Meeting times: The meeting time will change to 12:00 – 14:00. This will suit some members better and we can bring lunch at this time. Some members may wish to continue at a cafĂ© after the official meeting has ended. NEW TREASURER: Money held by the group is being transferred to Lee Bentley from Alex Ask, as Lee will now be acting as our Treasurer instead of Alex. Many ...